Induscoat Polymeco ATS
Polymeco ATS is a polymer-based additive system that enhances the strength, impermeability, and bonding capabilities of concrete floors, screeds, and plasters. Its special additives create a dense, crack-free surface that is highly resistant to external factors. With a low w/c ratio, ATS makes high strength floors, screeds, and plasters that have excellent bonding to the substrate.
Top Characteristics
Industrial Flooring: Polymeco ATS for new industrial floors or repairs.
Concrete Repairs: Ideal for damaged concrete roads and structures.
Waterproofing: Used to waterproof sinks, baths, and toilets.
Sloping Slabs: Top screed for sloping slabs.
Water Tanks: Internal plastering for water tanks.
Click Here To Download the Technical Data Sheet (TDS) to learn more about the product properties.