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Induscoat Induscrete SBR

Induscoat Induscrete SBR

Induscoat® Induscrete SBR is an emulsion based on synthetic rubber which provides good adhesion and waterproofing ability to cementitious admixtures. It improves elasticity, flexibility and tensile strength of cement and reduces cracking in mortar and concrete. It can be added directly to the cementitious admixtures/grouts along with water.


Top Characteristics

  • Economical, easy to use and non-toxic
  • Single component system
  • Adhesion to most substrates
  • Inhibits cracking, improves surface hardening, limits wear and dust production
  • Makes the mortar waterproof and reduces susceptibility to acids and greases, salt petreaction, etc
  • Complies with ASTM C1059 for type II, non-redispersible latex bonding agents for bonding fresh to hardened concrete.


Click Here To Download the Technical Data Sheet (TDS) to learn more about the product properties.

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